Ngjyrë Printer Jetworld Jwi-C545Bn Inkjet Cartridge

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JetWorld Black 22 ml, PG 545XL replacement ink cartridge (indicates ink level) 8286B001 Canon Pixma IP2820, IP2850, MG2440, MG2450, MG2455, MG2540, MG2550, MG2550s, MG2555, MG2555S, MG2940, MG 2950, ​​MG2950S, MG30 50, MG3051 , MG3052, MG3053, MX494, MX495, MX495 white, TR4540, TR4541, TR4550, TR4551, TS205, TS302, TS304, TS305, TS3150, TS3151, TS3152, TS3350, TS3351, TS3352, TS335"

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